Touch for Health Synthesis

The TFH Synthesis levels 1-4 are the foundation classes for learning to balance yourself, friends and family.

Why Learn Touch for Health?

TFH enables you to empower yourself and those you cherish. Changing lives from the very first class!

TFH can be learned by anyone from the complete novice with no experience to those looking to become practitioners or enhance existing practices. Some students chose to complete one or two levels. Many others continue to professional level and beyond.

Classes are certificated by the International Kinesiology College and recognised by the Kinesiology Federation.

I treasure the Touch for Health Synthesis. I see it as a candle lighting others the way to better health and living.
— Dr John F. Thie

What To Expect?

The classes are fun and made easy by our trained team of Instructors.
Each level is carefully designed to empower the student. There are more details below.

Touch for Health is different to other healthcare models. The self-responsibility model enables a different kind of partnership between the giver and the receiver which is empowering and enables long lasting positive change. 

All UK classes are listed on the International Kinesiology College website:

What do you learn?

  • TFH Level 1

    Muscle Response Testing

    Learn how to balance 14 muscles using Neuro-Lymphatic massage, Neuro-Vascular Holding Points, Meridian Energy and Spinal Reflexes.

    You will know how to reduce pain, alleviate emotional stress, improve posture and find foods to raise the energy.

    Touch for Health Level 1
  • TFH Level 2

    Energetic Patterns

    Builds on Level 1 and focusses on how energy moves through the Traditional Chinese Law of the 5 Elements, Meridian Wheel, Yin and Yang and the concept of over and under energy.

    Also testing for food sensitivities and releasing emotional stresses for future performance.

    Touch for Health Level 2
  • TFH Level 3

    Body Co-operation

    Builds on Level 2 and introduces methods to balance gait, postural issues ensuring groups of muscles work together optimally. Colour is introduced as a way to balance energy.

    This level is about balancing the body to function as a harmonious whole. 

    Touch for Health Level 3
  • TFH Level 4

    Balancing Emotions

    Builds on Level 3, deepening the emotional work learnt in previous classes. You will be able to balance with sound, Tibetan energy flows and work with more profound goals.

    You will also learn to release emotional stress held in muscle memory.

    Touch for Health Level 4

Why Learn Touch for Health?

Sandy Gannon, former president of the International Kinesiology College, talks about learning Touch for Health

I have experienced more personal growth on this course than ever before – can’t wait to share it with others.
— VS, Student

TFH UK Training Pathway

This is a modular programme so you can attend just one level or all the way to professional status: