Touch for Health UK
The TFH Community in the UK is vibrant and supportive. Classes are approved by the Kinesiology Federation, the UK umbrella organisation. TFHers make up a large proportion of its membership.
We have several supporting programmes to ensure that everyone in our community reaches their full potential. These include TFH Mentoring, TFH Hangouts, TFH Facebook Groups for all levels, regular updates for Instructors and easily obtainable TFH Resources.
We are proud to have some of the highest Touch for Health standards in the world ensuring that anyone who wishes to learn TFH in the UK will have a positive experience.
The Senior TFH UK Team
Touch for Health UK Instructors work as a team, collaborating and supporting each other, striving for excellence.
TFH UK Training Pathway
This is a modular programme so you can attend just one level or all the way to professional status:
Deepen your knowledge and confidence with the possibility of becoming a TFH Instructor.
Complete your training with mastery of multiple tools and in-depth knowledge.
Email Hazel